I'm sitting in the only place I can find a wireless connection here at the University Oaks Apartments, where we'll be staying for the next 2.5 weeks. As a team leader, I arrived here in San Antonio on Wednesday, and spent about 5 days in meetings hashing out plans and fixing up the schedule while also getting the know the rest of the team leaders and staff. By the end of the 5 days, we were all anxious for the arrival of the rest of the students. They arrived yesterday throughout the day, and we saw the program start coming together. I was both excited and nervous to meet the three girls on my team, knowing that they would become a big part of my summer ministry in the next 4 weeks.
They are three very different ladies. There's Amanda*, who is here from the University of Northern Iowa as a sophomore Spanish major. There's Linda*, who comes from Rio Hondo College in Southern California. And there's Roxy*, the young daughter of a Navigator missionary couple originally from the U.S., but now serving in Mexico.
As I listened to their testimonies during "team time" at dinner, I was amazed at the stories. All three have gone through a lot of recent struggles in their faith despite having been raised in strong Christian families. One feels that she has been on a roller coaster of a Christian life, with periods of legalism and periods of excessive freedom. Another comes from a background of drug abuse and rebellion, having recently recommitted her life to Christ. And yet another feels like she lives two lives, knowing the truth, but being easily swayed by the pressures of friends and popularity. In each story, I can find areas to relate to, but also areas that I feel completely inexperienced with. I know that God is going to challenge not only me, but the rest of the girls on my team this summer, and I'm looking forward to it. As we spend time studying Acts this summer, a verse from chapter 5 comes to mind: "So in the present case I tell you, keep away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them."
Our God is all-powerful, and if He's working here at this summer program, there's nothing that can stop Him.
Please pray for the students in the program and my team and I this summer; that we would draw near to the throne of God and find peace and comfort and a Truth that is more powerful than anything man can do or imagine.
Love, krystal.
*names have been changed
p.s. i have to admit, that i feel somewhat at home in a city that loves the Spurs as much as i do. <3
still..you should go to my aunt's rest...el mirador! i'll be *thinking of you from over here!